Wampanoag Geography

Geography was a major factor in each tribe's lifestyle. In fact, the geography of their location defined how each tribe lived. Because the Wampanoag lived in the rolling hills and forests of the northeastern United States, they lived in the same place year round. Because of this, their religion, culture, shelter, food and water were influenced by the plants and animals they could access in the area surrounding their villages. To find more information on the Wampanoag, explore the content pages below the button that states "Wampanoag" at the top of this page.
The map to the left is a map of the Wampanoag and Sioux territories before the introduction of white settlers. The orange shows the Wampanoag tribe's territory, and the green shows the Sioux territory.
As you read on, think about how these different environments cause the two tribes to live differently. In what ways are their lifestyles different? In what ways are they similar?